Love is in the air!
Share the Love with this awesome Spotify Playlist by Susan Moss
Featuring Diana Ross, Indus Rush, Tone Rose Bratland, Michael Donaby, Moondreams Music, Meresha, ENILSounds, Peter & Ella, Fans of JLimmy Century, Russel Suereth, Errol Chug, Richard Dobeson, Ross Seddon, Haven Yates, Levy, Hawk and the Wild, Deleo , Jon Magnusson, Robert Palmer, Tracy Colleto and much more!
Add your favorite love song – one song each – to our Share the Love Indie Collab – Valentine Edition playlist.
Photo credit: Sociales El Heraldo de Saltillo Festejan el Día del Amor y la Amistad en Casa Blanca via photopin (license)