• M83

    Alternative Music
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    M83 is an alternative rock and electronic music group founded in 2001 by Anthony Gonzalez and Nicolás Fromageau, both from Antibes, France. The name of the band is inspired by the spiral galaxy Messier 83. From his first album with the same name to “Before the Dawn Heals Us” (published in 2005 and the last album “Digital Shades” that began in 2007), an evolution in his music is discovered, moving away from little bit of electronics and getting closer to something newer and more creative, through the use of non-instrumental objects, close to shoegazing.

    The group created the soundtrack for the movie, Obivlion. He also did a song for the movie Divergent, and collaborated on one for Insurgent and collaborated with Daft punk for the album Tron legacy reconfigured.

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